Grade 4 Reading -- 2010 Released Test - Passage 2

Macaroni and Cheese, Please!

Macaroni and cheese has been enjoyed in the United States for at least 200 years. Some people believe that Thomas Jefferson created the dish. However, history shows that macaroni and cheese dates back even further and is not from North America. Wherever the recipe came from, it is delicious and fun to prepare.

The following recipe is just one of many ways to make macaroni and cheese.

• 1 1/2 cups of macaroni noodles
• 3 teaspoons of salt
• 3 large eggs
• 1 1/2 cups of milk
• 3 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
• 1 tablespoon of cooking oil
• Water
• 1 large pot
• 1 large baking dish
• 2 mixing bowls, 1 large and 1 small
• A fork
• A strainer
For safety, remember to have an adult help you when using the stove and oven.

1. Fill the large pot with water and 2 teaspoons of salt. Boil the noodles in the water until they are tender, about 8–10 minutes.
2. Rinse the noodles in cold water, and use a strainer to drain the water.
3. Preheat the oven to 325°F. Cover the bottom and sides of the baking dish with cooking oil so the noodles will not stick to the dish.
4. Mix the noodles and 1 1/2 cups of cheddar cheese in a large bowl. Pour the mixture into the baking dish. Add 1 1/2 cups of cheddar cheese on top.
5. Put the eggs, milk, and 1 teaspoon of salt in the small bowl. With a fork, mix these ingredients until they are blended.
6. Pour the milk and egg mixture over the top of the noodles and cheese.
7. Place the dish in the oven. Bake the macaroni and cheese dish for approximately 45 minutes.
8. When the cheese is brown, remove the macaroni and cheese from the oven. Let it cool before serving.

You are finished! Enjoy your delicious dish!